The Student Loan Fund was established over eighty years ago to help Millburn Township students further their educational goals. Renamed in 1974 to honor Dr. Charles T. King, who retired as Superintendent of schools after 27 years of service in the system, the Fund a standing committee of the Millburn Township Conference of Parents and Teachers (PTOC).
Due to the tremendous increase in college tuition, the Fund plays an important role in helping to finance students’ postsecondary school educations. The loans are need-based and currently interest-free. More than 800 students have received them to date.
The Fund is maintained by personal and business contributions from within the community. Through the generosity of our residents and businesses, over $2.5 million in loans have been made to students throughout the years. These loans are due upon graduation, and by “paying it forward,” the fund is continually replenished by past recipients to support students in the future.
The Charles T. King Board of Directors
Lily Lee, Chairperson
Andrea Spaar, Secretary
Cordelia Chan, Co-Treasurer
Sock Wang, Co-Treasurer
Thomas Chase
Tiffany Fehrenbach
Sonali Ganti
Jane Gomez
David Green
Brandon Haase
Atul Kulkarni
Robin Pollina-Finkelstein
Marcy Schwartz
Robin Shainberg
Varuth Suwankosai
Interested in becoming a Board Member? Email info@charlestking.org for more information.